Happy Birthday to our Activities Director
January 18, 2021
Guess who had a birthday? She calls it The Big 5 OH-M-G!! Shirlena Hucks our Activity Director just turned 50 years old. Shirlena has been with McNaughten for the past 7 years. She calls McNaughten her 2nd home and she realized after a short time of being hired that this was definitely a perfect fit for her.
"Seeing 50 years is something I don't take for granted. I am grateful for life, especially after the year we've had. It just makes loving life all the more precious although it has been tough. I want my Residents and staff to know that they are special and they are important.
My message to all is, be determined stay strong and live life in colorful bold caps. Walk in compassion and love for others. Be a giver and stay humble. Take time to heal from past hurt and trauma, then walk in grace!! You are necessary and yes, someone is looking up to you. Someone is depending on your wonderful smile and positive presence. IF YOU'RE GOING TO SHOW UP, BE PRESENT!!!"
Happy Birthday Shirlena! Thank you for everything you do for our facility and our residents!