1425 Yorkland Road | Columbus, Ohio 43232

Columbus Nursing Home Creates Meaningful Crafts

August 19, 2020
Columbus, Ohio - Our Activity Assistant Veranda W. thought it would be nice to remember our residents that have passed. We brainstormed and came up with this flower wall. Veranda has developed a passion for paper flowers and can be found making all types every chance she gets. The residents made many of them in a craft activity, so that was also something that made it special. We used the flowers as the backing placed behind a simple picture frame with the cardboard stands removed. If someone wants to use this idea, you can make it as simple or elaborate as you can imagine.

We got adorable frames from the dollar store. The paper used behind the frame is "Kraft Paper Roll," which is basically paper bag type paper, which I believe you can also find at the dollar store. This was used so that people can "write on the wall." I thought of this idea because I know a lot of us didn't get a chance to say goodbye and thought it would be a great way to release that sadness. I thought it would be a great idea to share with other facilities that have had losses and not only due to coronavirus. Butterflies and birds can be used as well.

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